• Nov 19, 2020: Watch an interview with Dr. Jacinta Beehner, our guest on LunchBreak Science with the Leakey Foundation to learn all about the battle between the sexes in wild geladas. Video of talk here.
  • Nov 06, 2020: These monkeys have a ‘puberty switch’ they flip when the right male comes along. Listen to interview here.
  • Jul 31, 2020: Join Duke University’s Long-Term Research in Animal Behavior Series where Dr. Jacinta Beehner presents 15 years of research on how males can change female gelada reproduction. Video of talk here.
  • Apr 15, 2020: We had to evacuate the gelada research station in March 2020 due to the Coronavirus. Listen to Dr. Jacinta Beehner explain the logistics of this process on NPR’s The Pulse – Science Interrupted: The Impact of the Coronavirus. Listen to interview here.